Introducing our NEW cat Cabin and Shelf. We are proud to have created this great product that can help improve the environment of any cage. Our cat Cabin and Shelf helps reduce feline stress, increases privacy and provides an additional sleeping area. It really is a must have for any cat cage. The simple design is easy to clean, reversible and will fit snug against the side of almost any cage. The material used is non toxic, durable and recyclable. We have 2 sizes available. email us today at to place your order.
Our team enjoy helping out our local community. Recently we made some repairs to the beloved Geodome playground gym at Baby Space Childcare Centre in Richmond.
Check out the link below to see it in use.
Over the past year we have been working with the SPCA to make low stress cages for their new Auckland Centre and are very proud to have been apart of this exciting project.
Check out the link below to the TVNZ One News story.
We have now been building cages for Vet clinics, animal shelters, catteries and kennels throughout New Zealand for more than 13 years. The number of organisations who have our cages continues to grow by the day along with our ever increasing range of awesome cages. Checkout how many towns our lovely cages have gone too so far….
Check out page 3 of the June edition of the Composite Association of NZs Flexi Magazine. Magazine.
Attention Boaties!
Now is an excellent time to book your boat in for repairs and modifications so they can be completed by the beginning of summer.
Got a rotten transum? Act now before the rot spreads! Not sure….speak to Phil our qualified boat builder with more than 20 years experience.
To add to the list of our ever increasing product range we now offer you fibreglass cat/small dog cages with either perspex or strong stainless steel doors. In the near future we also hope to build small cat and larger dog cages.
Our cages are built to the NZVA Best Practice Accrediation recommendations and are of the highest quality and have been designed and tested by those working directly with in the Veterinary industry. If you have any questions regarding our cages or would like a quote please do not hesitate to contact us.